Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Check Out Social Networking Sites

Facebook - I am a current Facebook user, and I must say Facebook has become apart of my daily routine. It is near addictive that I check my profile everyday. Facebook is different compare to rival sites, for which it offers a genuine way to network whether its professionally or socially. I can find friends who I went to primary or even pre-school with, or stay in touch with managers and co-workers. Just recently, my employer Coach has started to use Facebook as a marketing tool, and a way to screen employees and their activities. This can be bad or good depending on your privacy settings and what you allow others to see and know. Its a great way to meet new people since your able to know who you have mutual friends with. I have been a Facebook user for two years and I think it was the best switch over from Myspace.

Myspace - Being a former Myspace user, Myspace was more attractive during my high school years, but as I grew older it became less attractive. Myspace is great if you want to make friends around the world, and keep up to date in the entertainment business such as music and movies. Myspace can also be very deceiving since their isn't really a way to determine whether a persons profile is real or fake. Myspace also is marketing boom by which companies spend millions every year to advertise since they have over 250million members. With rival Facebook, recently opening Facebook to all ages that has taken a hit on Myspace and its impact to publicize ads.

If I had to recommend one of the two, without a doubt I would say Facebook.

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