Sunday, December 13, 2009

Deceptions of Social Networks

Deceptions of Social Networks are not a surprised to the common user of favor sites such as Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter. Most users are in fact not aware to the use of their personal information once they create there profiles. Whether it is being sold to data companies or under surveillance by our government, there is no privacy or confidentiality. In recent years, there have been many cases of sexual harassment, or sex crimes omitted due to these social networks because the deception between profiles and privacy issue. A user can never be 100 percent certain that the profile of another user they interact with is accurate and truthful. In past years, companies are using these social networks to advertise, but little do employees know they are also being monitor by their employer of their whereabouts, behaviors and actions behind the office.

About My Term Research Paper

My research paper focuses on the Deceptions of Social Networks mainly directed to Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter. I analyze a bit in depth about many deceitful things about these sites regardless of the positive affect on society their are many negative ones also. I used my current knowledge of all four social networks, along with google scholar for articles and previous evidence of my observance with personal experience by friends, coworkers and myself. Some things i learn while doing my research is the widespread use of these by companies to monitor their employees whereabouts, behavior and personal life and the deception of he privacy conditions by the sites. I also learn how profiles can easily be manipulated. I feel as though my paper contributes quite alot of information about New Media since in this day of time, almost everyone 18 and older have 1 profile or more on these social network sites, and they should be aware of the negative aspects of them and how they can easily be deceived without catching on. Two of my most major findings were many social network sites gather the basic information you provide to create a profile and sell them to data companies that use that information for many reasons. Another major finding was government agencies tend to use these sites as a monitoring device, since applications on mobile phone can serve as a form GPS this allows them to know your whereabouts and everyday actions. Overall, the research paper allowed me to better guard and protect myself from what I exposed on these sites since there isn't really any form of confidentiality or privacy.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Privacy & Confidentiality

New Media may have many advantages to it but there's also the disadvantages. A major issue of New Media is privacy and confidentiality. For example, exposure of indecent content without your consent. Social networking sites and blogs allow other users to upload photographs and personal information about anyone without their consent and this can jeopardizes and have a job or even a family. Today, you have kids at the age of 13 using these sites and sometimes this can pose a danger since a user can design their profile to be whatever they want it to say and many of the information they provide can be all lies or truth. Privacy is a big issue because if its not confidential then what control do you have over the doings of other users that involves you.

Our Class Wiki - So Far

I have completed a few of the prior Wiki assignments that includes the Bio. and contribution. Contributing to Wiki was a new and fun experience for me in new media, because it allows you to contirbute to your research and that of others. Its interesting to see what others also contribute to your work. This made me view my research in a different perspective. I will continue to look for more sources and further interesting information that will contribute Social Networking and Privacy. Wiki is really informative as we keep on researching and add the information to the topic. It shows you all the information others find that you may have miss.

The Next New Thing

The next new thing should be the ability to mobilize video chat. Sure with live video chats such as Oovoo & Skype you can chat with anyone in the world using a webcam and internet connection. But it would enhance the capability of cellphones if you could see the person your speaking to by enabling a video feature or basic. With the ability to video chat on your mobile phone this would bring a new definition to conference calls in the business sector. For emergency response team, this feature would allow a person at the scene to send a visual of where danger or the emergency is. Mobilize video chat can be beneficially in many aspects because you can see what you here.


I must commend Baruch College for its technology enhancements since I became a student here in 2006. But with all these enhancements the college fails to update the software's they operated under. For example, most of the computer labs have Microsoft Office 2003 while modern computers are mainly running Office 2007. This becomes a big problem due to capabilities issues when students are writing papers and doing presentations at home and then using school computers to present which aren't capable of opening the file. With this being fix professors would have more time to teach material than having students rescheduled presentation dates or turning papers in late. Another problem is the wireless connectivity, there are many dead zones throughout the campus which can be a problem when computer labs are filled and those students with laptops have no connectivity. Another issue is Blackboard, many professors use the database to post class documents and communicate with students and turn in assignments. But the most common problem is students are mislead since Blackboard does not have a email or text feature so the only form of communication is when the student actually signs in. With many technology enhancements ongoing the college should also promote the use of online courses since it sets a different environment and expectation of the student.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My New Media Class - So Far

As the semester is merely pass the middle, I have learned the various types of Old Media vs. New Media and their technologies. With the sense of media changing everyday the need for new technology comes as a burden. Some of these technologies include YouTube which replace the film, Itunes replace the CD, Netflix replace the DVD, wikis, podcasts, and ebooks. Also apart of New Media, are social networking sites such as Facebook, Myspace, Twitter & The internet is essential for these New Media because the advancement over Old Media is at the ease of the user and availiblity. In order to access any of these New Media the internet must be present. Whether your downloading the latest songs, watching a movie, or conversing with friends on social network sites you must be connected to the World Wide Web.

New Media are replacing Old Media to the availability of new technology. With the internet many companies have made it easier for their customers to recieve their services at the ease of a "click." Old Media refers more to a hard copy such as newspaper, books, cd whereas New Media is digital and can be access anywhere with a computer and internet access.

Cited Readings: Friedman, Linda. "Old Media, New Media." 2009. Baruch College.