Monday, December 7, 2009


I must commend Baruch College for its technology enhancements since I became a student here in 2006. But with all these enhancements the college fails to update the software's they operated under. For example, most of the computer labs have Microsoft Office 2003 while modern computers are mainly running Office 2007. This becomes a big problem due to capabilities issues when students are writing papers and doing presentations at home and then using school computers to present which aren't capable of opening the file. With this being fix professors would have more time to teach material than having students rescheduled presentation dates or turning papers in late. Another problem is the wireless connectivity, there are many dead zones throughout the campus which can be a problem when computer labs are filled and those students with laptops have no connectivity. Another issue is Blackboard, many professors use the database to post class documents and communicate with students and turn in assignments. But the most common problem is students are mislead since Blackboard does not have a email or text feature so the only form of communication is when the student actually signs in. With many technology enhancements ongoing the college should also promote the use of online courses since it sets a different environment and expectation of the student.

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